
Click on any function below to see detailed information.

Creation of Streams

Decorator for streaming functions which guarantees that the stream elements will be converted to arrays.

array_stream(func) Decorates streaming functions to make sure that the stream is a stream of ndarrays.

The array_stream() decorator wraps iterables into an ArrayStream iterator. This is not required to use the functions defined here, but it provides some nice guarantees.

ArrayStream(stream) Iterator of arrays.

Statistical Functions

imean(arrays[, axis, ignore_nan]) Streaming mean of arrays.
iaverage(arrays[, axis, weights, ignore_nan]) Streaming (weighted) average of arrays.
istd(arrays[, axis, ddof, weights, ignore_nan]) Streaming standard deviation of arrays.
ivar(arrays[, axis, ddof, weights, ignore_nan]) Streaming variance of arrays.
isem(arrays[, axis, ddof, weights, ignore_nan]) Streaming standard error in the mean (SEM) of arrays.
ihistogram(arrays, bins) Streaming histogram calculation.

The following functions consume entire streams. By avoiding costly intermediate steps, they can perform much faster than their generator versions.

mean(arrays[, axis, ignore_nan]) Mean of a stream of arrays.
average(arrays[, axis, weights, ignore_nan]) Average (weighted) of a stream of arrays.
std(arrays[, axis, ddof, weights, ignore_nan]) Total standard deviation of arrays.
var(arrays[, axis, ddof, weights, ignore_nan]) Total variance of a stream of arrays.
sem(arrays[, axis, ddof, weights, ignore_nan]) Standard error in the mean (SEM) of a stream of arrays.


isum(arrays[, axis, dtype, ignore_nan]) Streaming sum of array elements.
iprod(arrays[, axis, dtype, ignore_nan]) Streaming product of array elements.
isub(arrays[, axis, dtype]) Subtract elements in a reduction fashion.
sum(arrays[, axis, dtype, ignore_nan]) Sum of arrays in a stream.
prod(arrays[, axis, dtype, ignore_nan]) Product of arrays in a stream.

Linear Algebra

idot(arrays) Yields the cumulative array inner product (dot product) of arrays.
iinner(arrays) Cumulative inner product of all arrays in a stream.
itensordot(arrays[, axes]) Yields the cumulative array inner product (dot product) of arrays.
ieinsum(arrays, subscripts, **kwargs) Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the operands.

Control Flow

ipipe(*args, **kwargs) Pipe arrays through a sequence of functions.
iload(files, load_func, **kwargs) Create a stream of arrays from files, which are loaded lazily.
pload(files, load_func[, processes]) Create a stream of arrays from files, which are loaded lazily from multiple processes.


iany(arrays[, axis]) Test whether any array elements along a given axis evaluate to True.
iall(arrays[, axis]) Test whether all array elements along a given axis evaluate to True
imax(arrays, axis[, ignore_nan]) Maximum of a stream of arrays along an axis.
imin(arrays, axis[, ignore_nan]) Minimum of a stream of arrays along an axis.


pmap(func, iterable[, args, kwargs, …]) Parallel application of a function with keyword arguments.
pmap_unordered(func, iterable[, args, …]) Parallel application of a function with keyword arguments in no particular order.
preduce(func, iterable[, args, kwargs, …]) Parallel application of the reduce function, with keyword arguments.


stack(arrays[, axis]) Stack of all arrays from a stream.

Iterator Utilities

last(stream) Retrieve the last item from a stream/iterator, consuming iterables in the process.
cyclic(iterable) Yields cyclic permutations of an iterable.
itercopy(iterable[, copies]) Split iterable into ‘copies’.
chunked(iterable, chunksize) Generator yielding multiple iterables of length ‘chunksize’.
linspace(start, stop, num[, endpoint]) Generate linear space.
multilinspace(start, stop, num[, endpoint]) Generate multilinear space, for joining the values in two iterables.
peek(iterable) Peek ahead in an iterable.
primed(gen) Decorator that primes a generator function, i.e.
length_hint(obj[, default]) Return an estimate of the number of items in obj.

Array Utilities

nan_to_num(array[, fill_value, copy]) Replace NaNs with another fill value.


benchmark([funcs, ufuncs, shapes, file]) Benchmark npstreams against numpy and print the results.